Elevate Your Physique With J3U Coaching

Apply today and receive a price list and consultation form.

What's Included With J3U Coaching?

  • 15 Min Video Consultation

    All new clients get a 15min live vieo consultation to discuss goals and history so that your coach can develop a plan specific to your needs.

  • Detailed Nutrition Protocol

    Following your initial consultation you will receive a detailed Nutrition Protocol specific to your needs.

  • Training Program Specific to Your Goals

    We will discuss your goals, asses your physique and create a training program to target any areas that need improvement.

  • PED & Supplement Protocol

    Outlining dosages, when and why we use specific Supplements & PED's

  • Weekly Check-in

    Sent via pre recorded video, email, or voice note. Each week, when needed we will tweak your plans to keep you on track with your goal.

  • Training Analysis

    Upload your exercise videos for analysis on execution and instruction for improvement.

  • 15 Min Video Consultation

    All new clients get a 15min live vieo consultation to discuss goals and history so that your coach can develop a plan specific to your needs.

  • Detailed Nutrition Protocol

    Following your initial consultation you will receive a detailed Nutrition Protocol specific to your needs.

  • Training Program Specific to Your Goals

    We will discuss your goals, asses your physique and create a training program to target any areas that need improvement.

  • PED & Supplement Protocol

    Outlining dosages, when and why we use specific Supplements & PED's

  • Weekly Check-in

    Sent via pre recorded video, email, or voice note. Each week, when needed we will tweak your plans to keep you on track with your goal.

  • Training Analysis

    Upload your exercise videos for analysis on execution and instruction for improvement.

Spaces are Extremely Limited, APPLY NOW

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