Post Show: A Transition into Improvement

The post contest period is the transition point into a successful off season.

On contest prep we push our bodies to a place of low body fat and energy state that leaves us with high fatigue, high hunger, deranged hormones and a situation for rapid fat gain.

Post contest we want a focus around recovering the physique physically and mentally and returning to a place where we can productively make physique improvements.

What You Will Learn

This course is designed to take you from your peak week into the post contest phase with proper planning and strategies for nutrition, training, health and PEDs to keep you on track, recover and advance your physique next time you step foot on stage.

This course is designed to take you from your peak week into the post contest phase with proper planning and strategies for nutrition, training, health and PEDs to keep you on track, recover and advance your physique next time you step foot on stage.

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transitioning into improvement

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What's included?

Setting the Baseline for Recovery and Growth

Contest prep stresses the body and we need to understand the physiological and psychological changes that occur to then know how to handle recovering from this state.

This lecture will review the timelines it takes to recover all systems, if post contest is the “holy grail” of anabolic gains, issues in gaining body fat too slow or too fast, and setting up our goals in the post contest phase.

Nutrition for Recovery and Priming Growth Part 1

Nutrition planning post contest really begins during peak week as we have data established to build a nutrition plan. We also want a plan in place so no competitor is moved from a state of high planning and rigidity to no direction leading to rapid weight gain and psychological stress.

This plan should also bring about intentional weight regain to dissipate the issues around low body fat with altered sleep, libido and energy. This lecture will teach to program the nuts and bolts of the diet from calories, macronutrients, food sources, meal timing and how/when to adjust nutrition.

Nutrition for Recovery and Priming Growth Part 2

In this lecture, we move to planning and strategies for dietary adherence. Post contest is a time of celebration, however it leads many to overeating and a challenge to staying on plan. Dietary adherence and hunger management strategies will be covered.

We will teach on moving a strict dieter into a more flexible, sustainable off season diet approach. How to handle macro matching and eating untracked meals off plan will be covered. Also, what to do if you find clients sending up red flags on eating disorders and body image issues. Finally looking at how to track post contest recovery.

Training in the Post Contest Period

Training post contest can be some of the best training of your life with mind-boggling pumps. However, this also can be a time of high fatigue and risk of injury. Excitement can be high coming off stage and lead to overtraining very rapidly.

The training design lecture will teach you to assess your stage pics and what you need to focus on moving into the off season. We will develop training based around peak week data and allow for a progression of training into the off season. Also, how to manage cardio programming from prep to off season. This will also cover how to program for multiple shows.

Physique Enhancing Drug (PEDs) Design and Hormonal Recovery

For the natural lifter there is decline in anabolic hormones and rise in catabolic hormones during prep. For the enhanced lifter hormones are exogenous deployed however this creates a high stress load and deranged health markers.

Both competitors need hormonal recovery and management of health in the post show period.. This lecture will cover assessing health status, restoring natural hormones, commonly derangement lab markers, blasting PEDs post show versus baseline dosing, understanding PED clearance times, PED set up for males and females and the scenario to handle PEDs with multiple shows scheduled.

Olympia 2021 Case Study

This case study will review John Jewett’s transition from the 2021 Olympia peak week into his post contest phase. You will see how nutrition, training, PEDs, comparison photos and variable tracking were all implemented and changed from peak week to post show using the teachings from all the previous lectures.

The post show phase from week 1 to week 8 will be covered and John will explain the decision he made along the way to arrive in a productive off season position.

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ONLY $149

Frequently Asked Questions

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Can I do the course in any order?

Yes! You get instant access to all 12 lessons and can either start from the beginning and work your way through or pick and choose the order of lessons that suites you best.

Is there an app I can use?

Yes! There is both an iPhone iOS app and Android app, both are available in the app stores.

Can I download the videos to use offline?

Yes! You can download all the videos in the app to watch anytime offline.

What if I have questions during the course?

You have direct access to John & Luke in the forums on the website and the app. You can ask any questions you have and John or Luke will reply personally.

What if I don't like the course?

If you are not 100% satisfied for any reason at all, you can email me personally and I will refund you no questions asked.

How many hours of content are there?

There is over 10 hours of video instructions and education across 12 lessons.

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6 Detailed Modules

Science based education to optimize your training for the most efficient transition into off season.

Over 10 Hours of Video

View the videos in any order. Download to your phone to take with you on the go and keep access for life!

Private Forum With John & Luke

Ask any questions you have, whatever you need to make your workouts more efficient and apply the knowledge!

iOS & Android App

Access the lessons, video and forums directly on your phone, available for both iOS & Android!

All prices are in USD, you will be charged $149 for instant access to the full course. If you are not 100% satisfied for any reason you can receive a full refund no questions asked for up to 30 days.