Did the Diuretic and Burger for Your Peak Week Work?

Half tab Dyazide + burger night before show+ cut water, wake up flat, eat pancakes, and still miss the show peak. Sound familiar? Straight from the copy and paste idk what I am doing coach play book.

I made J3U based on seeing these winged “protocols” fail over and over. Is there a place for diuretics? Sometimes. Would I ever use a calorie dense food? Sometimes.

What would my normal peak look like then? Well it starts weeks out collecting data and removing emotion from my decisions. Filming how I look post training, how many meals in, sodium in, fluids in.

Today I trained delts/arms notes:

2 meals in

80g carbs total

1.5 gallons of fluid total

2.5g salt total

The look this provided:

Here is a frame work for show day peak. Have I used carbs, sodium, and water before show day? Yes I have and got a great look from it. I have a gauge now on how much of each I need. I don’t need 200g carbs from Pancakes before pumping up for stage or 1000g carbs the day prior to the show. Your peak should be tentatively planned based off your data collection, but still auto regulated during the peak too. You will be in a different environment, different stress level possibly, also energy expenditure could be less or more. So, we don’t have a peak locked in stone due to these things.

So why the hell would you use a diuretic you have never taken or eat a burger you have never eaten in a situation that you have never been in?

Lets peak off data and logic and not wishful rolls of the dice. I rarely use diuretics anymore and this is why those that go through J3 University will not see that type of protocol in my teaching. Yes it looks sexy and high level, but its the basics that are going to get you stage mastery.

Think Big and Train Hard!

John Jewett MS RD IFBB Pro

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