Episode 5: Jackson Peos- Rethinking Refeed and Diet Breaks Volume 3

In this episode of J3 University, Luke and I are joined by Jackson Peos to dive into the latest research on refeeds and diet breaks. We review the current literature, Jackson’s ongoing diet break research, and practical takeaways for coaching application.

Jackson Peos is current PhD candidate in Clinical & Sports Nutrition with research undergoing in diet breaks and refeeding in athletes. He is also the Nutrition Science Adviser for Bulk Nutrients.

For more information on Jackson Peos:

Instagram: @jacksonpeos

YouTube: Jackson Peos

Diet break study: https://europepmc.org/article/MED/33587549


Jackson Peos intro- 00:00:24

Current Research refeeds/diet breaks- 00:06:26

Applying research to our subjects and population- 00:14:04

Investigating what we get out of refeeds- 00:18:13

Do you see future refeeds/diet break research leaning towards psychological benefits- 00:24:14

Diet break study/REDS/Fatigue Management- 00:31:42

Post Show energy increase and fat loss- 00:38:07

Refeed/Diet Break Application- 00:41:28

Psychological effects of refeed- 00:48:53

Refeed GI Distress and practicing peak week- 00:50:26

Activity/NEAT during refeed- 00:57:46

Closing thoughts- 01:03:31

Jackson Peos Social media- 01:07:36

J3 UNIVERSTIY: https://j3university.com

COACHING: http://J3sportsrd.com

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INSTAGRAM: @johnjewett3

Luke Miller INSTAGRAM: @noswitchfitness

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