Episode 7: Joe Jeffrey and Calum Raistrick- Hypertrophy Training for Stage Improvements

Episode 7: Joe Jeffrey and Calum Raistrick- Hypertrophy Training for Stage

In this episode of J3 University, Luke and I are joined by Joe Jeffrey and Calum
Raistrick to discuss hypertrophy training from the initial assessment point to making
improvements that will show on stage. We dive into all variables that can be
manipulated over the course of a mesocycle, but focus on the individual needs and
many nuances within that. We also dive into some specific case study situations for
some great practical takeaways.
Joe Jeffrey is an online physique coach with physique collective specializing in physique

For more information on Joe Jeffrey:
Instagram: @Joe_physiquecollective
Website: www.physiquecollective.com
Calum Raistrick is an online physique coach and educator with his company The
Muscle Mentors.
For more information on Calum:
Instagram: @calum_themusclementors
Website: www.themusclementors.co.uk /

Calum Raistrick and Joe Jeffrey Intro- 00:00:26
Needs Analysis for Improvement Season- 00:07:12
Adjusting initial training plan- 00:15:25
Managing clients progression- 00:18:47
High Effort Training- 00:26:06
Driving up stimulus week to week- 00:35:26
Volume progression during prep- 01:00:33

J3 UNIVERSTIY: https://j3university.com
COACHING: http://J3sportsrd.com
FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/J3-University-103894631667528
INSTAGRAM: @johnjewett3

Luke Miller INSTAGRAM: @noswitchfitness
Luke Miller coaching:

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